Jochen Bruns

Jochen Bruns


  • Born in 1959
  • Studied education focusing on English, sport, philosophy at TU Braunschweig, completing the 1st and 2nd state examinations
  • Postgraduate degree in business administration at the Wirtschaftsakademie Bad Harzburg
  • Member of the management of a medium-sized production company (speaker for the management board, director of the procurement department, project management and divisional management, head of sales and advanced training projects)
  • Trained to become a trainer and consultant at Göttinger Wirtschaftsinstitut
  • Freelance consultant and trainer

Additional training

  • Training at the German Society for Group Dynamics and Organisational Dynamics (DGGO, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gruppendynamik und Organisationsdynamik)
  • Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) training at the University of Münster
  • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
  • Certified project manager by the International Project Management Association (IPMA), Vienna
  • Certified partner of Siemens Learning Campus


Team and organisation development

  • Designing and carrying out workshops on team development
  • Supporting and moderating change processes

Training and coaching

  • Project management
  • Manager development (project and linear organisations)
  • Negotiating in procurement and sales
  • Conflict management
  • Time and personal management
  • Training internal company trainers and multipliers (“Train the Trainer”)

Relevant references

  • Heading an international continuous development program
  • Managing project manager learning programs and coaching project managers
  • Sales development in an international group (silver training award 2009, BDVT)
  • Team development measures for work and project groups
  • Introducing process management at an international company in the specialist machine and plant engineering sector

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